Thursday, October 18, 2007

POEM Long Drive

Long Drive

Utpal Datta

Sometimes it’s wonderful to go out on a long drive

You, I and a few complex moments that can mould us into dreams

We’ll release a few words that we’d held captive

And let ourselves be in their bondage

On the driving-seat your forehead is beaded with sweat

I hold your hand; it’s not touch by courage

We traverse the city-glamour replete with coloured sences of a diurnal routine

We traverse the pains claims fears diffidence needs and

Unending nights of a well’s depth

Our journey our long-drive is for the light of a fancied day

: Well, have you listened to your favourite songs

Sometimes a complete song all alone

Have you ever read a love-song with an uncurbed voice

Have you a voice are alive

Have you ever heard the soundless sound of a broken heart

: This journey of ours is but for a song

For a breath for a poem

For the warmth of the veins for an untouchable touch

For a moment that can put time to standstill

We descend from the wide path to a narrow lane

We descend or do we make our entry

To another unknown world that awaits forever

To be dyed with the dust of our feet

The concrete landscape changes its hue

Green that too is veiled by the midday sun

The charging hill takes us in its cuddle

The winds say

Release sow all your breath

: do you want to say anything

: What will I say?



: if the stars of the sky descend to the bosom of the earth

Smear their bodies with all the darkness?

: if you were to descend yourself lower and lower?

At what level should I keep you

: Why do you break my dreams over and over again

: You too

: Are our words simply a routine of broken dreams?

: I can’t behold any more dreams in your eyes

I won’t be able to pen a single line for you

In my confidential diary

: I hate to see the mud soiled flags by the roadside

: But there too lies my individual vanity

Onto it is tagged my signature of liberty

: Your vanity is only the other name decline

The purport of your freedom is serfdom before another

We, after, all keep whirring in our own deep wells of darkness

In joy in conceit in the tryst of primitive inebriation

What’s the need of our long-drive

From openness to wider expanses

In a new car with a new shirt on

We’ll go out on a short trip again another day

If you could hand me some of your

Dream like moments

I’ll touch if I can your heart as well an mine

Translated into English by Krishna Dulal Baruah